Alturas California, Modoc County & Northern California

Location, Climate, Population and Lifestyle:


In the event you are not familiar with where Modoc County is, we are in Northeastern California: The upper right hand corner of California, bordering [both] Oregon and Nevada. It has been said "Modoc is where the pavement ends and the West begins", Modoc County's lifestyle is unspoiled, unpolluted and uncrowded. The elevation of Modoc County varies from 4,000 ft. (valley floor) to 10,000 ft. (at the peak of the Warner Mountain Range).

Modoc has four distinct seasons: Spring in Modoc has many varieties of wildflowers and they continue to bloom March through August. Summers are mild and 95 degrees is considered a heat-wave. Fall brings vibrant color changes to the native foliage. Winters are cold, but dry, and spending the brisk, sunny days outdoors is very pleasant. Yes it does freeze and snow here, though the snow [normally] melts and is gone within a few days. The total annual precipitation averages 17 inches; we have a high desert climate with many sunny days, and rarely foggy.

The total population of Modoc County is under 10,000 and the county seat, Alturas, has a population of [just under] 3,000. Alturas is centrally located in the county on State Highways 299 and 395, and has all of the ancillary services conveniences and necessities: banks, theater (live and movies), restaurants, shopping, hardware, building supplies, dry goods, groceries, hospitals, doctors, dentists, opticians, chiropractors, electronics, trades-persons, service providers, Internet providers, and more. The other communities that make up the rest of the county are all unincorporated small-towns: Likely, Adin, Canby, Tionesta, Davis Creek, New Pine Creek, Ft. Bidwell, Lake City, Cedarville, and Eagleville. These small rural communities also offer many of the services listed above. Our small towns afford a community spirit (which is) lacking in many of the larger urban and suburban areas. It is nice to know your neighbor & have a friendly wave from folks passing by.

Community, Recreation, and (did I mention) Lifestyle:


We have several community & service clubs and organizations: Elks, Rotary International, Arts Council, Toastmasters, & youth organizations - to name a few. What we don’t have [are] malls, traffic lights, gridlock, freeways or gangs. Modoc has hundreds of miles of trout streams, lakes, reservoirs, and the Pit River; all containing trophy size Rainbow and Brown Trout. A 6,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge is located near Alturas, providing improved habitat for migrating water-fowl and other wildlife. 1,425,000 acres of land comprising most of the Modoc National Forest lie within Modoc County and this area offers 2,925 miles of forest roads and hundreds of miles of trails for exploration and enjoyment.

If you enjoy any outdoor recreation, Modoc is a giant playground. If you are a hiking, biking, horseback or nature enthusiast, the trails throughout the Warner Mountain Range and Modoc National Forest are spectacular. Opportunities are abundant for those who like to fish and hunt. Furthermore, those who choose to watch and enjoy the scenery, on any given day you may see mustangs, mule deer, antelope, elk, geese, duck, grouse, quail and bald eagles. Actually, I can’t do our area justice with this description, you must see and experience Modoc County for yourselves.